Laryngeal cancer is cancer of the larynx, the larynx has three parts-upper part is supraglottis, middle part is glottis, and lower part is subglottis. The larynx helps to breathe, speak, and swallow. The epiglottis is part of the supraglottis, drops down over the larynx. The vocal cords close to keep food out of the lungs .
-Men more risk, because smoking and heavy alcohol consumption
- History of head and neck cancer
- People who have exposure to sulfuric acid mist, wood dust, nickel, asbestos or manufacturing mustard gas.
- Poor nutrition and vitamin deficiency
- Human papillomavirus (HPV)
• Heavy alcohol use
• Poor nutrition
• Human papillomavirus exposure
• Immune system problems
• Workplace exposure to toxins, such as asbestos
• Certain genetic diseases, such as Fanconi anemia
Early laryngeal cancer
In stages 0, 1 and 2, the tumor is small. Cancer has not spread beyond the larynx
Advanced laryngeal cancer
In stages 3 and 4, the tumor has grown larger. It is affected the vocal cords or invaded the lymph nodes or other areas of the body
1.Persistent cough
2.Sore throat
3.Voice change, such as hoarseness
4.Pain or other difficulties when swallow
5.Lump in the neck or throat
6.Dysphonia, trouble making
7.Voice sounds
8.Ear pain
10.Stridor, breathing is noisy and high-pitched
1.History collection
2.Physical examination include throat examination to find the any abnormal growth and swelling in the throat and larynx.
3.Fiberoptic nasal endoscopy helps to examine the entire pharynx and larynx.
4.CT scan of the neck or head, or an MRI-to see the extent or size of the tumor and cancer has spread to lymph nodes in the neck.
5.Biopsy to study the pathological changes in the growth of the tissues.
1.Radiation therapy -to kill cancer cells. It targets only the tumor to minimize damage to the surrounding healthy tissue.
2.Chemotherapy -medications to kill or slow the growth of cancer cells.
3.Immunotherapy -natural defenses, to help fight cancer.
4.Surgery -for early laryngeal cancer, surgery can remove the tumor while preserving the larynx.
5.For advanced cancer, surgeons often need to do a laryngectomy, removing the entire larynx.
6.Cordectomy-removes part or all of a vocal cord, usually through the mouth.
7.Supraglottic laryngectomy-removes the supraglottis,either through the neck or through the mouth.
8.Hemilaryngectomy-removes half the larynx, preserving your voice.
9.Partial laryngectomy-removes part of the larynx so you retain your ability to talk.
10.Total laryngectomy-removes the entire larynx, through the neck.
11.Thyroidectomy - removes all or part of the thyroid gland.
12.Laser surgery - removes a tumor in a bloodless procedure using a laser beam.
13.Esophageal speech - it requires intensive therapy for good results.
14.Artificial larynx (electrolarynx) - speech pathologist helps to learn how to use it.
15.Tracheoesophageal puncture-it produces vibrations the patient can use to speak. It need to maintain and replace the prosthesis regularly. But it creates a smoother voice.
1.Smoke, reduce or eliminate tobacco use in all forms.
2.Avoid alcohol
3.Use proper safety equipment if exposed to asbestos or other toxins at work.
4.Eat a healthy diet, including antioxidant-rich foods.