Fistulas of the vagina :-
Due to damage resulting from
1.Injury sustained during surgery
2. Vaginal delivery
3. Irritable bowel disease
4. Radiation therapy
5. Disease process such as carcinoma
1. Vesicovaginal fistula - urine escapes continuously into the vagina.
2. Rectovaginal fistula - Fecal incontinence, flatus is discharged through the vagina.
The combination of fecal discharge with leukorrhea results in malodor that is difficult to control.
1. History taking
2. Physical examination
3. Dye test :- Methylene blue dye and through Indigo carmine is injected IV
4. Cystoscopy
5. IV Pyelography
The management goal is to eliminate the fistula and to treat infection and excoriation.
A fistula may heal without surgical intervention, but surgery is often required.
Non surgical management :-
1. Care is plannned to relieve discomfort
2. Prevent infection
3. Improve the patient's self concept
4. Proper nutrition
5. Cleansing douches and enemas
6. Rest
7. Administration of prescribed intestinal antibiotic agents
Sometimes, A fistula does not heal and cannot be surgically repaired. In this situation, care must be planned and implemented on an individual basis.
Example :- 1 . Cleanliness
2 . Frequent Sitz bath
3. Deodarizing douches are required, as are perineal pads, and protective undergarments.
4. Meticulous skin care is necessary to prevent excoriation.
5. Applying bland creams or lightly dusting with cornstarch may be soothing
Surgical management :-
1. Sewing of anal fistula
2. Applying patches of biological tissue into the vagina.
4. Tissue grafting