


In vitro fertilization (IVF) is a type of ART (Assisted Reproductive Technique). It involves retrieving aggs from a women ovaries and fertilizing them with sperm. This fertilized egg is known as embryo. The embryo can then be frozen for storege or transferred to a women uterus. 

For female :-
Ovarian Reserve testing involves 
1. Blood test for the level of FSH. 
2. Uterine study / examination of uterus to identify the best way to implant the embryos. 

For male :- 

Semen Analysis 
If the sperm are weak or damaged a procedure called intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) may be necessary. ICSI, a technician injects sperm directly into the egg, ICSI is a part of IVF process. 

There are 5 steps involved in IVF 
1. Ovarian Stimulation Hormone Therapy
2. Egg Retrieval ( Pick Up) 
3. Insemination (Sperm preparation) 
4. Embryo culture 
5. Embryo Transfer

A women normally produces one egg during each menstrual cycles. IVF requires multiple eggs. Using multiple eggs increases the chances of developing a viable embryo. The fertility drugs (clomiphene citrate) used to increase the number of eggs body produces. 
During this time doctors will perform regular blood tests and ultrasound to monitor the production of eggs. 

2. EGG RETRIEVAL (PICK UP) :- Egg retrieval is known as follicular aspiration. It's a surgical procedure performed with anaesthesia. An ultrasound used to guide a needle through vagina into ovary and into an egg containing follicle. The needle will suction eggs  and fluid out each follicles. 

3.INSEMINATION (SPERM PREPARATION) :- In this steps, The semen collection is done from male partner or donor. A technician will mix the sperm with the eggs in a petri dish. If that doesn't produces embryos , Then ICSI is used. 

4.EMBRYO CULTURE :- Monitor the fertilized eggs to ensure that they are dividing and developing the embryos may undergo testing for genetic conditions at the time. 

5.EMBRYO TRANSFER :- when the embryos are big enough they can be implanted this normally occurs 3 to 5 days after fertilization, implantation involves inserting a thin tube called catheter inserted into vagina, pass to cervix and into uterus. Then release the embryo into uterus. 
Pregnancy occurs when the embryo implants itself in the uterine wall this can take 6 to 10 days. Then after pregnancy test should be done for confirmation. 

Other alternative of IVF :- 
1.Gamete intrafallopian transfer (GIFT) :- GIFT is similar to IVF it's used when a  women has atleast one normal fallopian tube, eggs are placed in this tube along with a man's sperm to fertilize there. 
2. Zygote intrafallopian transfer (ZIFT) :- ZIFT is tubal embryo transfer in which a women eggs are taken from her ovaries, fertilized in the laboratory and put back in the fallopian tubes rather then the uterus. 


IVF helps many patients who would be otherwise unable to conceive. The ultimate advantage of IVF is achieving a successful pregnancy and a healthy baby.


IVF can make this a reality for people who would be unable to have a baby otherwise:

1.Blocked fallopian tubes :- For women with blocked or damaged fallopian tubes, IVF provides the best opportunity of having a child using their own eggs.

2.Older patients/ patients with a low ovarian reserve: conceiving. At CREATE, we have great experience with older women and those with low ovarian reserve. We use Natural IVF to focus on quality of eggs, rather than quantity.

3.Male infertility: Couples with a male infertility problem will have a much higher chance of conceiving with IVF than conceiving naturally. We have a number of laboratory techniques to facilitate this including intra-cytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI). We also have an experienced consultant urologist to advise men with fertility problem. 

4.Unexplained Infertility :-  1 in 6 couples will suffer fertility problems and sometimes these remain undiagnosed after investigation. These patients may benefit from intervention.

5.Polycystic ovarian syndrome :- Polycystic ovary syndrome is common condition in which there is a hormone imbalance leading to irregular menstrual cycles. IVF has proved very successful in patients with PCOS, who will not conceive with ovulation induction.

6.Premature ovarian failure :- Women with premature ovarian failure or menopause can have IVF treatment using donor eggs, which typically has high success rates.

Disadvantages of IVF :- 

1.An IVF cycle may be  unsuccessful . 

2. There may be associated side effects and risks. 

3. Multiple pregnancy. 

4. There is a slightly higher chance of ectopic pregnancy. 

5. IVF treatment can be expensive. 

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