


Occupational health services is the application of preventive medicines in all places of employment.
 Occupational health should aim at the promotion and maintenance of the highest degrees of physical, mental and social well - being of workers in all occupations.
 Occupational health is the promotion and maintenance of the highest degree of physical , mental and social well - being of workers in all occupations by preventing departures from health , controlling risks and the adaptation of work to people , and people to their jobs .

  Occupational hazards :
 An occupational hazards is a hazards experienced in the workplace . 
 1.Physical hazards :- Heat, light , noise and radiation. 
2.Chemical hazards :- industrial dusts, heavy metals such as lead , zinc , iron , benzene, toluene , gases, acids , alkali and pesticides. 
3. Biological hazards :- inhalation of live organisms or spores. 
4. Behavioural factors:- Ergonomics - related factors.
  1. Extreme of heat and cold :
 ● Extreme heat causes vasodilation and later leads to heat stroke and unconsciousness . Traffic policeman patrolling under the hot sun and workers working in high temperatures furnace become victims of heat stroke .  
● Extreme coldness can cause frostbite or death due to death due to vital organ dysfunction. 
 2. Noise and vibration :- 
 ● Continuous exposure to loud noise can result in hearing loss .when an individual is exposed to sounds of high intensity for 5-7 years , noise exposure can lead to permanent hearing loss. 
 ● Vibrations associated with Jerry movements such as those while drilling and mining can lead to disturbances in hand and wrist functioning and pain. 
 3. Radiation :-
 ● UV radiation, infrared radiation and ionizing radiation can cause ill effects . 
 ● Exposure to infrared radiation occurs in men and women working near furnace in steel mills and glass factories.
 4. Light :- 
 ● Exposure to intense light with UV rays as the light emanating in the process of welding can cause damage to the cornea of the eye , leading to welder's arc. 
 5. Ergonomics :-
 ● Poor Ergonomics can lead to injury.
 ● Lifting excessive weight can lead to injury. 
● Eye strain can occur in some occupations. Primary prevention of physical hazards :- 
 1. Noise control :- 
 ● Engineering and design changes can be done for noise reduction. 
 ● Shielding can can be done around noisy equipment.
 ● Machines should be kept in a good working condition.
 2. Extreme of heat control measures :- 
 ● To prevent extremes of heat , appropriate clothing can be worn.
 ● Air conditioning should be installed in the workplace and ventilation should be increased. ● There should be adequate hydration of worker. 
 3. Radiation / light hazards prevention :- 
 ● Minimizes the number of workers in area with known risk of radiation.
 ● The distance between the source and workers should be increased. 
 ● Length and quantum of exposure to radiation should be reduced
. Secondary prevention :- 
 ● Early detection of hearing loss and corrective measures. 
 ● Identification of heat- induced electrolytes loss and supplementation of electrolyte and water.
 ● In case of processes with radiation hazards, the following measures can be taken :- 
 o Pre employment and periodical medical examination 
 o Monitoring radioactivity in the biological fluid 
 Diseases due to physical agents :-
 1. Heat emergencies :-
 A heat emergency occurs when the heat - regulating mechanism in the body is not working correctly. A heat emergency generally occurs when the body is exposed to very high temperatures. 
 Heat emergencies fall into three categories of increasing severity:
 1. Heat cramps 
 2. Heat exhaustion 
 3. Heat stroke 
 Causes :- 
 ★ Very young or very old age
  ★ Alcohol use
  ★ Dehydration 
 ★ Heart disease such as coronary artery disease 
 ★ High temperatures or humidity 
 ★ Prolonged or excessive exercise 
 ★ Wearing heavy clothes Or many layers of clothing in hot weather
  Clinical manifestation :
 ★ Profuse sweating
  ★ Fatigue 
 ★ Increased thirst
  ★ Muscle cramps
  ★ Headache
  ★ Contracted pupils 
 ★ Dizziness
  ★ Weakness
  Treatment :-
Heat exhaustion :- treatment involves removing patients to a cool environment, having them lie flat , and giving IV fluid and electrolyte therapy. Heat cramps:-cramps may be relieved immediately by firm passive streching of the involved muscle Fluid or electrolytes should be replenished orally or IV. Heat stroke:- evaporative cooling is comfortable and convenient and considered the most rapid method.during this process, patients are continually wetted with water and skin is fanned an vigorously massaged to promote blood flow.
 Prevention :- 
★ Wear cool loose - fitting , lightweight clothing in hot water
  ★ .Avoid staying in the heat for long period of time. 
 ★ Use air conditioners , fans , and other means to keep cool. 
 ★ Rest frequently and seek shade when possible. 
 ★ Avoid exercise or strenuous physical activity outside during hot or humid whether 
 2. Malignant hyperthermia :- Malignant hyperthermia is an inherited disease that causes a rapid rise in body temperature and severe muscle contractions resulting from a hypermetabolic response to concurrent use of a depolarizing muscle relaxant and a potent , voletile inhalational general anesthetic.
 Clinical manifestations :- 
 ⮚ Rapid rise in temperature to 105 degree F or higher . 
 ⮚ Muscle rigidity 
 ⮚ Tachycardia
  ⮚ Dark brown urine 
 ⮚ Muscle ache
  ⮚ Bleeding
  ⮚ Shock ,
 Treatment :- During an episode of malignant hyperthermia,
 ★ Wrapping the patient in a cooling blanket can help reduce fever and the risk of serious complications. 
 ★ Drugs such as dantrolene, lidocaine , or a beta - blocker drugs can help with heart rhythm problems . 
 3. Frost bite :- Frostbite is damage to the skin and underlying tissue caused by extreme cold. Frostbite is the temporary or permanent skin tissue damage caused by prolonged skin - tissue temperature of 23 degree F and below.

  Causes :- Skin and body tissues are exposed to cold temperature for a prolonged period of time. 
 Other risk factors:-
 1. Windy wheather 
 2. Diabetes 
 3. Peripheral neuropathy
  4. Raynaud's phenomenon 
 Clinical manifestation :- 
 ★ Progressive numbness 
 ★ Loss of sensitivity to touch 
 ★ Frostbitten skin is hard , pale, cold , and has no feeling.
 Prevention :- 
 ★ Before going outside in extremely cold temperature, apply skin moisturiser . 
★ Dressed warmly , wear dry clothing , and stay out of the wind. 
 ★ When exercise in below - freezing temperatures , wear layers of clothing. 
 ★ Avoid smoking or drinking before venturing out into extreme cold. Tobacco decreases circulation by constricting blood vessels , and alcohol interfares with the body's ability to regulate temperature. 
 Chemical hazards :-
 ▪ Gaseous agents and vapors : Gases such as methane and nitrogen released from mines and sewage can replace oxygen and cause asphyxiation.
 ▪ Carbon monoxide released in coal industry , steel furnaces , and vehicle exhaust fumes can bind with hemoglobin 200 times more rapidly than oxygen . 
 ▪ Metals such as lead , Mercury, manganese , and cadmium used in industries produce various undesirable effects. 
 Primary prevention of chemical hazards :- 
1. Good housekeeping practices to reduce dust and fibers 
 2. Adequate ventilation and fitting of exaust fans 
 3. Substitution of harmful chemicals with harmless chemicals . 
 4. Automation and mechanisation of dusty process 
 5. Segregation and enclosing the dusty operation 
 6. Provision of appropriate personal protective equipment such as mask and gloves. 
 Disease due to chemical hazards :- 
1. Lead poisoning :- 
 Lead poisoning also called plumbism is the industrial accudents dust to inhalation or ingestion lead. 
Sources :- 
 ★ Industrial 
 ★ Nonidustrial
Clinical manifeststion:-
 ● Abdominal colic
  ● Constipation
  ● Loss of appetite 
 ● Red cells stepping
  ● Anemia 
 ● Insomnia 
 Prevention :- 
● Substitute 
 ● Isolation 
 ● Local exhaust ventilation 
 ● Working atmosphere - lead concentration in the working atmosphee should be kept below 2.0mg per 10cu. Meters of air. 
 Biological hazards :- 
 ★ Vegetables and plant products : cotton fibers , sugarcane fibers an flour coming out in the flour mill reach the lung and lead to occupational lung disease.
 ★ Pollen and tea dust allergy can cause bronchial asthma. 
 ★ Animal handlers and vetenarians are at a risk of contracting disease such as anthrax. 
 ★ Healthcare professionals are at a risk of contracting various infections such as HIV, hepatitis B, and hepatitis C. 
 Primary prevention :- 
 ● Machines and dusty areas can be cleaned with cotton or other similar fibers can be cleaned using vacuum cleaners. 
 ● Avoid dry dusting. 
 ● Humidity of the spinning and clothing rooms can be increased.
 ● Prevent exposures to potential organisms such as anthrax. 
 ● Wear other personal protective equipment. Secondary prevention :
 ● In case of accidental exposure to organism , postexposure prophylaxis (PEP) need to be initiated. 
 ● There should be early detection and treatment of conditions such as byssinosis, bagossis and occupational asthma.  
Psychosocial hazards :- Rise when workers fails to adopt to alien psychosocial environment which leads to psychological factors such as :-
 ❖ Frustration
  ❖ Lack of Job satisfaction 
 ❖ Poor human relationships
  ❖ Emotional tension etc.
 The health effect cause due to psychosocial hazards :-
 ⮚ Psychological and behavioural changes.
 ⮚ Psychosomatic ill health
  Psychological and behavioural changes :- 
● Unfriendly
  ● Depression
  ● Anxiety 
 ● Tiredness 
 ● Aggressiveness 
 ● Drug abuse
  Psychosomatic ill health :- 
 ● Fatigue 
 ● Pain in shoulder , neck and back
  ● Hypertension
  ● Heart disease
  ● Rapid aging

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